Deepthi Menon
2 min readAug 30, 2019

The Healing Power within!

It's fascinating how a tiny embryo withing the womb transforms into the intelligent being we are when we are born. When a baby is born, the transformation from living inside the water to breathing air from the atmosphere happens in a span of time that is nothing short of miraculous. Little children fall, bump, bruise many times. Often, they just brush it off and keep moving. Maybe a bandaid, sometimes a cast, a few tears. They are absolutely sure that things are going to be ok. And guess what, often it is ok. They are fearless, they believe. Believe in what? I don’t really know, but they believe. Knowing that this miraculous power to create, build and transform lies within each of us is something most of us forget by the time we grow into adults.

Does the blueprint that gets us from embryo to a fully formed baby go away at the time of birth? Doesn’t look like it. The ability to embrace body parts from other mortals — heart, liver, limbs. Medical technology has put this ability to learn and rebuild at scale. What are the limits of this possibility? Can we rebuild broken bones? Can we heal auto-immune disorders? Can we bring back vision?

I have been reading and exploring texts around various schools of spirituality and religions in the last couple of years. While there are many variations in approaches, there are a few common threads that span each and every one of them. And that common thread is around the power of unbounded love for all beings in the universe and the divine energy that binds us all together.

After all my reading and belief, I have come to believe that if there is a universal power to heal, it lies within. As the famous mantra goes — “Aham Brahmasmi”! This power bestows the ability to become one with the universe and flow with it. While it sounds simple, its a journey and a journey that each of us has to take for ourselves.

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